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Made with by Aristotle Metadata

Garnett: Multilingual library for Django demonstration

Garnett is a library that allows you to add multilingual fields to Django models with very little changes to code. For example, the Books below have their title accessed in this template with book.title, but when you change the language the appropriate language is output.

Garnett was developed by the Aristotle Metadata development team. You can checkout the code at Github, or you can read more about why we developed it on our blog post: Why we built django-garnett for the Aristotle Metadata Registry.

All content in here gets wiped periodically. You can test out creating and editing from the admin site by logging in with the username admin and the password admin.

Here are all the books in our database

Books are sorted alphabetically by their English title. Where possible, it will show the title of the book in English.
If a book doesn't have an English title, this site has been configured to show the first title in the following order:

English , English (Australia) , German , French , Sindarin and Klingon

Available languages
Number of pages
6 [de] Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? M. Python German 1
8 A Guide to Django A. Holovaty & S. Willison English , English (Australia) and German 100
7 A Guide to Python G. van Rossum English , English (Australia) and German 100
3 Hamster Huey and the Gooey Kablooie Mabel Barr English and English (Australia) 101
9 The Dummies Guide to building some usable Django apps. S. Spencer English , English (Australia) and German 100
2 The Grasshopper Lies Heavy Hawthorne Abendsen English , English (Australia) and German 122
4 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Megadodo Publications English and English (Australia) 2147483647
1 The Princess Bride S. Morgenstern English , English (Australia) , German and French 240
5 The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Wil'yam Sheq'spir English , English (Australia) and Klingon 104